Below are lists some things most of us don't seem to take important about sleeping and which has some negative effects unknowingly to us.
Thereby, reducing the level of us being sound in terms of health and and as there exist a saying which goes "helth is wealth". It is being discovered
that the brain works more when we sleep, and sleeping relieves us from stress ,lets take a look at 5 things to consider before sleeping.
1)SLEEPING WITH SOCKS: This can be used mainly to keep our feets warm,and are recommended especially durring cold weathers as well as during winter,
to keep us warm,which can be adopted before going to bed,you don't wanna wake up the next morning with a cold.
2)SLEEPING WITH MAKE-UP: yeah,this the topic for the ladies,as to sleeping with make up stands between your natural complextion and that imposed
by the make up ,to keep a fresh and young facial skin,make up should be washed off before going to bed.
3)BRUSHING BEFORE SLEEP:brushing before sleep is a necessary habit which is of great importance to be cultivated,this helps in making sure that our
mouth remains clean before going to sleep ,just as it is important to brush early in the morning,it is also important to brush before sleeping.
4)SLEEPING IN A VENTILATED AREA:most people dont take this serious,but,this is an important area to be cultivated,
make sure that places where you stay to sleep are well ventilated ,as if this is not observed,the body may seem to respond, as in suffocation and
sweating profusely,so,this is of great importance ,thereby having a nice and sound sleep.
5)CHANGING FROM TIGHT CLOTHINGS BEFORE SLEEP:before going to bed,you should change from tight clothings ,as you dont want your to wake
to see marks on your body due to tight clothings being put on , going to bed and changing from tight clothings will allow the body
to freely perform without any form of interference,and allowing the free flow of the blood and food particles.