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Wednesday 28 June 2017


We will agree that water is an important element provided by natue,which has many uses ,one
of which is in drinking,men are expected
to take an estimated amount of three(3) litres of water daily,while women are expected to take 2.2 litres of water as it has the following uses

1) prevents dehydration and increases functions of the cells of the body there by setting the body to perform at a good rate for the day  and helps other body internal components as it is a basic requirement.

2)Regulation of body temperature: imagine coming from an environment with a hot temperature or experincing heat from the sun,you can take water to calm down your body and there by keeping the temperature of your body at equilibrum.

3)Digestion:most of you are gonna be surprised on this,but water help in the digestin of food ,as it is recommended to always be taken while eating to help in the softening of foood paricles to be broken down with ease.



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